The “Build Up Tour” February 16, 2017 at the Artists Collective, 1200 Albany Ave, Hartford.

Dates and Community Feedback

November 19, 2016 Ebenezer Temple

1. Important grades to consider for opening are 4-6, as this is a time many of our children fall behind and CFS can make a significant difference in keeping these children engaged.

2. CFS must conduct monthly community partner meetings to ensure transparency. A roundtable format is desired with input from local leaders, parents, and students!

3. Regular surveys must be used to monitor student, parent, and community attitudes. People must feel free to voice any concern without fear of retribution. This freedom enables full devotion to the educational process and the ability to establish trust that is desperately needed and non-existent in Hartford Public Schools.

4. Students request proficiency based and mastery learning to ensure they are provided a quality education. They want to learn and want teachers and staff at CFS to honor them by providing an education at the highest standards.

5. Parent coaching and support is absolutely necessary. Parents must be included in the educational process. A bi-weekly support group is desired.

October 22, 2016 – The Artists Collective

1. To implement and maintain Transparency CFS must maintain honest data at all times concerning student progress. There must also be active recruitment of minority staff, and regular communication with the local community.

2. Transparency can also be supported through a open and two way relationship with parents. Frequent open houses, frequent email and phone contact, and notices in English and Spanish are essential. Parents should have numerous opportunities to evaluate the school, its policies and performance.

3. Transparency can be promoted with students by allowing for a question/concern form that enables students to appropriately voice their ideas and opinions without consequences. The CFS idea to have a youth development professional in each classroom is very important to supporting student voice.

4. CFS must follow through on the plan to recruit and hire a staff that is at least 70% minority. Children respond to authority figures that look like them, come from their neighborhoods, and understand their unique circumstances.

5. The six-week summer CFS teacher training proposal is needed and must address cultural competency, classroom management, inviting parents into the learning process, and belief in the ability and future success of all children.

6. To implement and maintain Relevant Classroom Instruction CFS must provide opportunities for teachers to connect with and spend time in the community. Students must be well fed and nourished, teachers must be consistent in their support, the Principal must stay for several years, the arts and music should be encouraged, and students should be given a chance to express their cultural and ethnic greatness.

7. To implement and maintain community, parent, and student voice CFS must recruit and provide all parents and students with the opportunity to learn and lead. Community anchors should be identified to support and coach parents and students as they take on leadership and voice within the school.

September 17, 2016 – West Indian Social Club

1. Affirmation of Hartford students especially their resilience, intelligence, entrepreneurial spirit, adaptability, and dedication to family and school.

2. Affirmation to several hard working administrators and staff within Hartford Public Schools collaborating with local non-profit and faith-based groups working up hill and against the odds to support children and encourage learning.

3. To implement and maintain Transparency CFS must maintain honest data at all times, even if it is not the best. Real data gives a clear picture of what to start with and how best to move forward.

4. To implement and maintain Minority Hiring CFS must mentor Hartford students, provide scholarship aid, and create a pathway for Hartford students to return to the CFS classroom as teachers.

5. To implement and maintain Relevant Classroom Instruction CFS must provide teacher prep training in Cultural Competencies for all staff prior to hiring. Regular workshops and trips must be scheduled to maintain the work during the school year, with teachers expected to weave cultural and ethnic strengths into the curriculums.

6. To implement and maintain community, parent, and student voice CFS must recruit and provide all parents and students with the opportunity to learn and lead. Community anchors should be identified to support and coach parents and students as they take on leadership and voice within the school.

May 7, 2016 – 2550 Main Street

1. We want to know more about the no suspension policy, after school programs, curriculum options, and how the Design Team will continue to involve the community.

2. At the next meeting please add information about the recreation center options in the daily schedule, school lunches and breakfast, the arts program and other subjects such as music and physical education.

3. We really liked the plan to connect units and lessons to student interest and the chance for students to move at a competency based pace.